Saturday, May 15, 2010

Catchin' Up

REAL last picture


YES <3


Oh yeah, and I'm a year older as of March 10th. WOO

Drinco de Mayo
Standard -____- lolz
OF MONTREAL (*#($*$(@(#*
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Alright, now that I have a couple of minutes I'll just catch this blog up with my life. First off, this blog is strictly for when I have things on my mind and I'm either too lazy to get one of my many journals out or I don't find it important enough to permanently document.. (I'd hardly call THIS permanent. So there you have it, enjoy if you still want to read it.

Now one of the few reasons I haven't posted lately is because I haven't had very many good things to say. Of course I'm being more cynical than usual, but I've just been weirded out by the ironic balance of things. Something goes wonderfully, quickly followed by something awesome. A few of my friendships lose validity then I'm reunited with some really great old friends OR I meet someone new and really interesting. My subconscious tends to follow the same pattern. I'll have a crazy awesome dream one night and the next night I'm haunted by a terrible nightmare. It's whatever though, I think this weird slump is over and I'm actually looking forward to a bunch of things.

hmm, well that's basically it. and of course i've been enjoying a lot of recent shenanigans, so these are some pictures of them: