Sunday, January 31, 2010


Let's saturate life up a bit, shall we? EXTENDED METAPHOR TIME

Along with my fascination for the structure of living/ nonliving things, gravity, and black holes, I've found myself truly appreciating colors lately. No words can express how beautiful, vibrant colors can change an atmosphere.

Although blue is my favorite color, offering all sorts of spectacular shades and varieties, I've found that my friend's new pair of BLUblockers can make for such an interesting change in scenery.

Basically, saturation, like everything else in life, has a lot to do with perception. Saturation, along with chroma and colorfulness, refer to the perceived intensity of colors. It's kind of a strange concept if you think about it.

The closer the saturation is to zero, the darker it is. That is until it becomes black, then it had no saturation. Now the higher the saturation, the brighter it it. That's what I'm aiming for, both in pictures, and in life. Now you see, once the saturation is so high that it becomes white, it goes back to having no saturation at all. Hmm..

So, I think the challenge I have set for myself is to brighten up my life as far as I can without screwing up, thus, setting me back to no saturation what-so-ever.

So, first thing's first, I need to set a few ground rules:
1)More camping
2)Good people
3)Get a camera
4)No expectations
5)More spontaneous trips to the everglades with #2 (see 3 lines above, smart ass)
6)Climb more trees
7)More bananagrams
10)Keep all lists under ten... dammit.

And enjoy?


Sometimes I find myself wishing that it's out of sheer coincidence.
Generally, I want an explanation for everything. I find myself running all sorts of theories through my mind and doing tons of research until I have a plausible answer. On the contrary, I sometimes find myself doing the complete opposite. I want to rule out or not consider all realistic solutions in hopes that there is no explanation, or a supernatural one at that.

Sometimes jumping to the reasonable conclusion takes away from the fun. Friday night while Max and I attempted to find a source of this mysterious flashing green light, it disappeared. I'm relieved that we didn't continue to contemplate the source because it would have taken away from the rest of our night spent in a field watching the green light show in the sky leading to all sorts of discussions.

I mean come on. It had to be aliens, I mean, it couldn't have come from, let's say, a night club or something. Now THAT would just be absurd.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hypothetical, of course

Imagine someone tells you about a certain experience. Something that freaked them out, something they thought you might be able to relate to. They describe the atmosphere and practically put you in the scene. It sounds like it must have been extreme, but can't 100 percent relate to the certain situation. Just the next night, in an eerie state you begin to feel the familiar sensation of de ja vu. The same thing happens to you, and you can then completely relate to that person. Feeling guilty about not understanding before, you wonder, is too late to change that? Or at the very least to discover something new? Probably lost you on that last part.. but that might only be comprehendible to me.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Feeling good, feeling great

Things are definitely looking up. Oh, how wonderful irony can be.

New classes have me feeling great. I don't know if it's the fantastic teachers, a few incredible people, or just the fact that we haven't gotten into any real work yet, but I feel like it should be a pretty good semester. Don't get me wrong, last semester was fantastic. I may have even taken it for granted. The last few weeks flew by, most likely correlating with discovery that escaping during 4th hour for exciting adventures wasn't hard to do every once in a while.. you know, or every day.

Regardless of all of the great times I had all during 1st semester, winter break, and this past 5-day weekend, some things have left me not feeling good (well, dammit!). Little worries stacking up to make colossal stresses along with every day insecurities were all putting a damper on what should have been some of the best few months of my life (so far, of course.) TodAY a friend of mine and I noticed that we weren't the only two cynical people in our school. Pessimism seemed to be stamped on the foreheads of a majority of our schools' population. (Or maybe we're a bit biased since instead of random sampling we had only looked towards our friends for this.) We were proved wrong shortly after when a friend of ours went on a rant about how incredibly happy he is with life. That's where the irony kicks is. After witnessing this, I decided that the main thing keeping me from being happy was just looking at everything sardonically.
So, I'll practice what I preach and try looking at things differently. Maybe my year and a half before I finally get out of here doesn't have to be so bad after all. In the mean time, my friends and I will try not to set anything on fire.. well, not TOO on fire. How are you?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Five day weekends need to happen more frequently.

Sleeping in until 12:30 3 of those 5 days MAY have had something to do with it. Along with catching up on sleep, I feel like I accomplished a lot. Basically I've had a lot that I've needed to talk about and I was so relieved to get a lot of it out. Sunday and Monday I went to Jupiter for a camping trip which was a ton of fun. Along with reconnecting with old friends and meeting some new ones, I had some great heart-to-hearts with a good friend of mine. It's nice to be able to talk to someone about anything with out being judged and/or having my sanity questioned. Today was a beautiful day spent with some good friends, chipotle, the ridge, and a necessary trip to Michael's! In all of this excitement of my 5 day weekend, one name was mentioned often. BOONE.

I could write about Mr. Boone for hours, and trust me, I have. He was not only my 10th grade English teacher, but he was the most respectable and respected man I knew. He passed away this past summer, which not only affected the hundreds of us that knew and loved him, but the unsuspecting kids who never got a chance to. He truly changed my life with his insightful words and his tendency to never leave a question unanswered. I have a lot more to say about him and I most definitely will. After all, someone has got to finish number 6 on his Summer Bucket List.. but more on that another time.

Basically in all of this I can only re-distribute some advice to everyone. It says it on my good friend's white board, and he has always been there to help me through Boone's death. It is still engraved in Mr. Boone's wedding ring as a constant reminder. I will turn to these words next time my thoughts spiral out of control making everything unclear: DON'T PANIC!

And viola.. I'm not panicking.

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's a Conspiracy!

Alright you dippers, I'm on to you.

So you two just chill in the sky every night looking similar and having people run around like crazy trying to figure out where the other one is. Once someone sees one they just have the need to look for the other as way to determine if they have found the big or little one. What these people don't see is an even tinier version of these so called "dippers" barely visible to the human eye. I call that one the little shitter, he always holds a place in my heart though. It seems as though we've stumbled onto something. They're just part of some huge dipper society; big, little, and shitter. Once you realize this, your eyes and minds have been opened to a huge mess of possibilities.

Is there some sort of vacuum pattern in space that forms similar constellations everywhere? Is a black hole obstructing our vision and showing us the same constellation at different points in time? Even trying to imagine this automatically turns every star in the sky as an addition to some crazy dipper.

Tooooshayy dippers, touche.

Friday, January 15, 2010

How to Become and Adequate Human

Not even Wikihow can help me out here. I think this should be considered a good thing. It seems as though society has already placed labels on whether or not things or people are some sort of definition of normal, so I'm glad to see that I may still have a chance of becoming an adequate human being.. before an operative definition is given of course.. then I'm screwed.

Step 1: Look at things with a different perspective.

Seeing things upside down is a good start. When images are formed on your retina they're originally upside down anyways. It takes a relatively large portion of your brain to process visual information for this reason. Why not give our brains a break and keep em that way? Easier said than done. I should just invest in inverted lenses so that once my brain stops inverting images because the lenses do it first I can stop wearing them and see upside down for a bit.. or maybe I should just look at things through the inside of a spoon.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Organization at its Messiest

No amount of space could hold all of my extremely scattered thoughts, ideas, and outlooks.

So why not give this a shot? I mean, conforming to these new technologies is inevitable so I might as well just let this happen. Time for a new space; cyberspace.

Lately I've tried so hard to keep track of everything that even whips through my mind quicker than the speed of light. My thoughts and outlooks change so frequently that it'd be unfair to myself to completely forget something that is so spectacular and/or important to me one day and doesn't even ring a bell only weeks later. I need to beat this damn system.
Two of my pathetic attempts to keep track of my daily life have crumbled beneath me making it extremely difficult to just pick up from here.

So I presume that this blog, among everything else in my life, will be completely scattered, ranging from pictures, adventures, thoughts, memories, lists, and other nonsense. My deepest thoughts still stay with the owl, but maybe this will help to organize some of my thoughts. Basically, I need a day to day reminder that I'm a living, breathing, functioning human and my existence can't be denied. There we go, that sums it up.

Happy two thousand and tent, let's pitch a good one.