Tuesday, February 23, 2010

This and That

“Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.” – Thomas Edison

Brain stuff is fun. Psyching myself out is better.

I have no complaints. Sunsets are wonderful, my dreams are insane, I heavily enjoy my company and I've yet to transform into a zombie.

This situation + more excitement - any care in the world + an improved list of things to do in Cooper City when bored= A good fuckin' few months ahead of me.

And Myles, if you ever read this...


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Detached in the best way possible

Ahh, to be uninformed of everything going on in most people's personal lives.

No internet for a week makes for some productive days.

No parents at a friends house makes for some better ones.

Two of my best investments were made this weekend; the infamous water balls and my fish eye.

More pictures to come, believe it or not. For now I go back to no internet and a dragged out school week.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

World Book

Resolving to seek no knowledge other than that of which could be found in myself or else in the great book of the world, I spent the rest of my youth traveling, visiting courts and armies, mixing with people of diverse temperaments and ranks, gathering various experiences, testing myself in the situations which fortune offered me, and at all times reflecting upon whatever came my way so as to derive some profit from it. -Descartes

I can't seem to get enough of this guy.

So far, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is in first place for the most accurate World Book. One of these days another one should be written. Descartes got a good start to one, but never finished. It was called the Rules for the Direction of the Mind.

Newly named WonderWhat, crazy occurrences like this ^^, infinite infinities, and mind blowing snapple facts have been enough to keep me going.

Oh yeah.. and first person to find me mystery gum wins a special place in my heart.

Long story short, we found it in stores once, underestimated it's availability, didn't purchase it, and never found it again. I did, however, find this empty packet of it lying around the school halls once.

Scttaer Brnaied

"I am accustomed to sleep and in my dreams to imagine the same things that lunatics imagine when awake." Rene Descartes

^^ Unidentified berry (NOT A BANANA)
Although I'd consider my thoughts more organized then ever, I'm mentally exhausted. Before I can do any more thinking and catch up on school work, I need to catch up on sleep first. After all, a well-rested brain is the easiest to record.
I've got my day-to-day stuff down, now I need to focus on the opposite side. I'd say it's time to dive into my subconscious for a bit.

"A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep." HELL NO. A dream is an intensified version of your most discrete thoughts. You basically give your brain a complete break and unlimited budget and say "do what ever the fuck you want." That's my extremely general (not to mention exhausted) take on it. I think Descartes has a lot better of an understanding of it than I do though.

VV Sir Cyclops McGee Mcgee
This past weekend was a great one. Max, Alex, Ethan, and I found some great entertainment in the Wiggle Eye and Cyclops McGee McGee and unidentified berries found in front of my house made for some fun paintings. I wonder what's next.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Philanthropy.. or not

What the hell man? I live a pretty good life, so I try not to complain. I'm spoiled rotten, fed a bit too much (can't even see my feet), and able to sleep as much as I want for a good 3 months. All for the price of what though? To be woken up by a restless crowd of people every year on the same day? I don't even know what a damn shadow is but there's all this murmur about whether or not I see it. Then that awful dark creature starts mocking me again! I see it about 80% of the time and my psychologist back at the burrow insists it's not real. But it is. I try to ignore it even though it was following my every move from right under me. I react to it and this damn crowd goes nuts! Oh and then you'll never believe this! Some jackass comes up to me with a phone and forces me to send a text message, A TEXT MESSAGE! And even worse, I'm forced to update my twitter. Gosh, I hate that thing. Oprah, I get that you love Obama and your fans but I don't care about your new twin dogs. Damn technology, I saw this coming. Why do you think I tried getting the hell out last year? My wife, Phyllis, she wants out too. She can't go anywhere without being asked if she's that famous groundhog's wife. I've put up with this for far too long. I'm 124 years old for goodness sake! I don't know how considering my cholesterol is off the charts. Whatever man, I'm going back to sleep. Wake me up when winter's ACTUALLY over. And I want none of you assholes to spam my formspring, alright?!

Love always, Phil

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Jig is Up

I'm no longer the only person who has laid eyes on this blog.